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A preliminary study of evidence-based tool for wetland optimization - A case study using QSWAT+


Truong, Victoria LU and Huynh, Sebastian. (2022) In TVVR 22/5011 VVRM05 20221

Dep. of Water Resources Engineering, Lund University

The purpose of this study is to review the open-source software QSWAT+ as a plugin in QGIS, to be able to develop an evidence-based tool for optimization of wetlands.

This Master´s thesis is a part of the Ecodiver project, conducted by the Water department at LTH. The purpose of this study is to review the open-source software QSWAT+ as a plugin in QGIS, to be able to develop an evidence-based tool for optimization of wetlands. The scope of the study area is limited to the catchment area of Kävlinge river; however, no account is taken of the validation of data, only the validation of the program. This case study starts with a brief literature review to collect the theory regarding hydrology and the current situation with climate change. To conduct this work, adequate time was spent on software learning in both QGIS and QSWAT+ using tutorials that was found on the web. The result of this study suggests that QSWAT+ has potential of being the base of the future evidence-based tool within the Ecodiver project, by providing opportunities and possibilities. However, for the current situation of the evidence-based tool, the software is not yet ready nor done developing to function as the base of the tool. Neither is all the Swedish data available to make the tool validated.



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Dep. of Water Resources Engineering, Lund  University


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